ma famille, Il semblerait que la proccupation majeure des tudiants, qu'ils soient amricains ou franais, soit l'emploi et ensuite seulement, la famille. is to get through the programming classes, find time for sleep. B) believe the greatest worry . Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. While the French responses worried about their future, a mention of failure was rare. Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ? It's daunting to know that I am expected to work for 45 years after college! Hmm, I seem to be succeeding, as I can't think of it now. Yes, in class we found it difficult to get the wording exactly right Another comment - in class, we were having a different discussion about cafe culture in Francethat people go there to just sit and relax, to enjoy a beverage and not worry about anything for a short while. 'Don There's so much stress in people's lives that it can't help but take its toll on marriages. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism is not being able to survive in this world. En rsum, si notre cole nous forma un mtier qui recrute, on aura un job en sortie, sinon, il faut allonger ses tudes tout en se professionalisant (tudes plus stages) pour esprer avoir un emploi la sortie. Example from the Hansard archive. Je pense que c'est universel et que mme nous franais ressentons la mme chose ! 4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, 2014-2023 Ludwig S.R.L.S. The Americans put their worries in negatives--they were more concerned about what they might "not" be or might "not" do. @Victor, je pense comme Jean-Michael que nous avons les mmes ambitions, mais personnellement j'ai le sentiment qu'une carrire professionnelle russie n'est pas forcment synonyme de bonheur, il faut savoir quilibrer avec d'autres aspects de la vie. Bien que la crise conomique que nous traversons actuellement soit trs importante, je suis quand mme tonne voire mme inquite que le bonheur passe tout d'abord par l'emploi pour un grand nombre de personnes. that when I get older I won't be able to do what I want with my life. My Greatest Fear My Greatest Fear My greatest fear would be losing one of my three older brothers. As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. This makes sense as we are all in university, which is a transition period for many. Le fait est qu'aujourd'hui, dans notre socit, pour fonder une famille il faut de l'argent. Used intransitively, worry doesn't take a direct object. My fellow agree students, do you guys agree with this? From the Hansard archive Ou plutt moins exigeants ? We would be more likely to "my future career concerns me the most" than say "my greatest worry is my future career". Grafton, I think it may be the case that Americans talk about their worries more openly than other cultures. les conflits mondiaux. @Antoine - Intressant. Des deux cts, les proccupations des tudiants sont trs gocentrs et concernent principalement les tudes et le parcours professionnel. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. The Sun. Je suis aussi surpris par les inquitudes montres par mes camarades ! For me, for instance, to lose my job will not be that scary as to be alone or away form the people I love. Actually, when I took a closer look I saw that the Americans also have their family mentioned, it is just not at the beginning of the answer. 3 Huffington Post My heart was full of gratitude and joy. finding a job I like after college. The Guardian. But I don't see anything wrong or bad with that, future can be defined in a lot of ways but the idea is the same - everyone is a little scared about their own future because we don't control it and everything that is out of our control can be scary, right? Dans plus de 50% des cas, les lves sont embauchs dans l'entreprise o ils ont fait leur stage ! Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? Also, we should keep in mind while we discuss diplomas and their effects that, if I understand correctly, education in France is not the same as it is here. Considering other responses in other forums that seem to suggest that French people have a stronger, more cohesive sense of national and cultural identity, is it possible that French people think more about issues that affect the whole community because they value the group more and feel a stronger sense of belonging? worry (also: agonize, bait, bother, distress, excruciate, gnaw, harass, harry, importune, infest) volume_up. worry (v): to think about bad things that have happened or may happen and to feel unhappy or afraid about them Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " I constantly worry about my children. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. En effet, aprs avoir lu toutes les rponses les Amricains paraissent plus proccups par tout ce qui touche leur avenir et leur peur d'chouer entre autre. Emmanuel -- I was surprised by how much talk there was about divorce, given that I imagine I am the only student in the class who is married. As a country, do you feel that most people in your age range have similar worries? I had indeed observed that we mentioned academic demands and future job positions as common sources of worry. et la rforme des retraites, mon avenir professionnel Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. Sasha, I felt the same way you did towards the difference in number of people who said they are worried about "studies". You should not be worried about me. Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) A) worry B) depression C) anxiety D) substance abuse, A large survey of parents and their children shows that parents: A) believe children are more concerned about school than children are. Don't worry about me holding up your table though, because I won't be back. Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. Wikipedia. En effet, je pense qu'il est diffcile pour nous (d'aprs notre parcours scolaire) d'tre proccup par des problmes comme la diminution des liberts personnelles puisque pour le moment, en tout cas pour moi, ce sont mes tudes qui m'accaparent le plus mon esprit (et les autres problmes lis au quotidien). For Americans, the phrase "my greatest worry" stresses personal topics. It did seem that more of the French worried about things that related to other people/ the world than the Americans though. And now arises the greatest difficulty of all. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. After finding Lily and Rin asleep, the two boys decided they would worry about the time lapse the following day. If you worry often, you're far from alone. 574 146 Don't worry about him. 6. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences Page 1 63697 Don't lose heart. I'm curious about how the French get their news, how important it is to be aware of current events, and what type of news makes it into the headlines. Do different economic situations put a differ stress on finding a job? @ Jean-Michael, je pense que les mdias nous montrent tellement de problmes et de misre dans le monde que nous prfrons en dtourner les yeux plutt que d'affronter la ralit en face. . I find it very interesting that the French students featured their worries about war, poverty, and famine, along with the threat of U.S. dominance, while the American responses were more introverted. You will only have to worry about food, drinks, sunscreen, and having fun. 7. Would anyone care to support or refute that? In your most intimate moments, do you really think about the the diminuation of liberties / individual rights / etc. What I noticed is that this is that type of question that really reveals what MIT has done to people. Click on the links below to explore the meanings. @Virgile, I think it's only natural that everybody focused on their own life. Nonetheless, both of us want to demonstrate our full potential and prove ourselves to the world. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! There is nothing wrong with general answers. Exercise 3. However I was wondering if this was due to the wording of the phrases. I wouldn't attribute, for example, the fear of failure as such to American mentality any more than I would to any other. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our, Ludwig does not simply clarify my doubts with English writing, it enlightens my writing with new possibilities. I know that MIT has cerainly made me worry about things that I never worried about in highschool. Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? The greatest worry is licensed water for businesses. 143 My greatest worry is that he'll do something stupid. The mastiff was the greatest of all the dogs at the park. There are also a variety of degrees and diplomas that deviate from the normal track (GED, Associate's) for those that are intent on specific professional work. However, what I think most MIT students are worried about, isn't necessarily just about finding a job that pays well, it's about finding a job that they really enjoy. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. 1. So, it appears to me that things are not actually THAT different between the American and French side. And I think the French answers reflected that age bias as well. Ma rponse est courte mais le divorce est accept par la socit mais elle n'en abuse pas. Et je pense que tous les humains soient Franais, Americain ou autres se ressemblent dans beaucoup de points et se diversent sur d'autres, et cela en ce qui concerne tous ce qui est ct sentiment comme la peur. This helps you save time, effort and . Most women are friendly but to the extent of companions.. Divorce is very common in the United States -- somewhere nearing half of all marriages end in divorce. These are both controlled completely by one's actions, therefore the French have more control over their 'worth' (though I hesitate to use that term specifically). Est-ce que vous avez une allocation chmage si vous n'tes pas assurs contre le chmage? On March 13th 1943 Goebbels mentioned that: "air warfare is at present our greatest worry". expand_more jag inte behver vara orolig fr att bli mrdad under middagen. more_vert. 3. It belongs to most women. New parents tend to worry about everything. 6 In spite of her fears, ( she always worried through. financial situation, suffering and starvation of people around the world, fear that once I get old and look back on my life I realize that it was not what I hoped for. Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry. L'avenir est une preocupation plus importante pour les francais? I think this word comes back to the idea of context, since, as students, our responses logically relate to our future/careers. not fitting in, not being able to pass classes, becoming overwhelmed by life. Nous, franais, mme si beaucoup on des inquitudes similaires, certains semblent plus inquits par le prsent Quand a la personne inquite pour la fin du monde en 2012, je me suis approfondie sur le sujet! He is in, in my opinion, still the greatest teacher of the power of our own thoughts. de trouver un emploi. Simply copy your paper, paste the content into the editing tool and get the results in a flash. I am worried about my health. ), while almost all of the American responses only talked about themselves! Lots of good trends here! I was least worried about the examination. You shouldn't worry about your weight. I am curious if worrying is an American past time or a part of human nature. ENSEIRB-MATMECA Sentence Completion My greatest worry. I think that both sides are worried about short-term, but we mit kids are simply less inclined to admit it. is the future. de valider mon semestre, d'avoir un salaire me permettant de voyager rgulirement, de savoir que mes proches vont bien. I think some answers such as ending up homeless is really reflective of today's economic situation, and while the French mention economic woes, no one seems to think that they'll ever be homeless. The Americans are focused more on various aspects of life that relate to happiness. 4 Huffington Post the calculation is correct, there are two variables that only the chosen ones know. What annoys me is the fact I mentioned it to people this week. with worry to be frantic with worry relation-as cruel. You don't need to worry about me anymore. It was also interesting how the ENSEIRB students spoke of their personal concerns, particularly relationships. I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? Don't worry they could have just forgotten to phone. The point is we all have to put up with the bad days.". There is no real reason to worry. Long-term marriages don't just happen. The worst part is that I am not sure there even exists a solution to it. On the other hand, Americans, who emphasize individualism more, maybe think more about individual challenges? ma famille, ma soutenance de thse, mon futur proche, mes frres et soeurs. That's what annoys me when women think Tomas is an arsehole. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Those areas which are not in the profitable areas are the, Testing at the age of seven seems to be the, I may say that this is a matter which is causing me the, If it is wrongly fixed, it will cause the greatest inconvenience and the, Given his own recognition of the tremendous value of our universities and the high international standards that they set, that must be a cause for the, We have heard again since that time that the company's, Many inmates have told me that they become far more accomplished criminals during their term of internmentand this is my. At MIT, and I assume l'ENSEIRB, there is a lot of pressure to succeed and find a good job. 84 46 Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. BLOG. THE MOST out of everything you are uncertain about (other potential uncertainties being like: grades, jobs, completing obligations, personal success)?? Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. My impression of these responses are that Americans determine the value of their lives by money and, to a degree, marriage, whereas the French do so by means of their familial relationships and how they are viewed by those around them (in terms of politeness and courtesy). The greatest confusion and bewilderment prevailed. I think that for Americans, work indirectly leads to happiness because success at work will allow them to do what they want in life. comme l'a dit samin le systme amricain est plus restrictif, il est plus dur de se faire une place dans le monde du travail sans bonnes tudes. I noticed that the worries on the American side are all individual worries, with 1 real exception. (221) We are worried about you. It has worried me a good deal. Notre diplme compte pour environ la moiti de notre demande d'emploi, dj parce que c'est la premire chose que les recruteurs vont voir sur notre CV mais aussi car il dtermine gnralement notre rmunration. Hybrid 2268898 This annoys me very much. Do the French agree that the translations differ? 2245500 Follow your heart. I think also that fear and worrying aresynonymous. Sommes nous des tudiants trop gocentriques ou bien avons nous raison de nous proccuper de notre avenir personnel avant de nous occuper de l'avenir de notre socit ? is that I'll never find true love. Le dernier dure 6 8 mois, la fin de ce stage, on a une soutenance, et notre diplme (si tout se passe bien). that I do not get to see my family again. de pouvoir avoir du travail la sortie de ma scolarit. CK 2221121 My sister is so annoying. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; This is actually a lot simpler than it looks, so do nt worry too much. This makes me wonder; is it common for French students to find work right after graduation? Without liberalism, you probably won . Is it strange or common for this to happen in France? is that people are turning into consumers instead of creators. Perhaps Americans find difficulty in establishing a national identity, given the immense diversity of peoples, opinions, and backgrounds, whereas that doesn't seem to be the case in France. C'est peut-tre la fois plus facile raliser, car il y a de multiples manires d'y arriver, alors que nous, nous savons ce que nous voulons et nous avons qu'une manire d'y parvenir.Pensez-vous qu'il y a cette diffrence que les amricains sont moins pragmatiques que les franais ? Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation . Don't you worry; that affair will never come off. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. Greatest in a sentence up(2) down(5) Sentence count:280+45Posted:2017-06-23Updated:2020-07-24. . failure, losing a close friend/family, and my future. is that I will not be able to figure out what I really want to do after graduating. Mais peut tre que l'on a l'impression que les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir. I find many of the answers above very interesting. Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.1. failing myself, disappointing my parents, regretting. Cependant, quelques tudiants (amricains et franais) ont fait abstraction de leur personne et sont plus proccups par l'avenir de leur pays, de la socit dans laquelle ils vivent ou bien mme de l'humanit. ", and this shows that studies are indeed always on the minds of MIT students. being poor. It's true what Meera said that in the US most people have a "go" mindset and do not sit and relax. This is a very small sample size, but I wonder if the difference between the French and American responses would be true if a large group had responded to these questions. Or do you feel that we students are ACTUALLY less worried about studies. Is there a larger availability of jobs in France? Is there a positive connotation associated with the sentence or do you think there's another reason? 2. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. Je vois qu'une grande majorit y compris du cot amricain, ont peur de dcevoir leur proche, de ne pas russir dans leurs tudes ou de ne pas accomplir se qu'ils dsirent le plus et chouer.. On peut peut tre considrer sa comme universel? Je pensais que l'avenir de son entourage de sa famille et de ses amis prendrait une place plus importante dans les rponses. est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. "I will be keeping you in my thoughts, and holding you in my heart." I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. les ingalits dans le monde: conomiques et sociales. is that I will not live up to my potential. En france mme si les tudes effectues sont bassent, il y a toujours moyen de gagner sa vie en travaillant, il y aura toujours du travail pour les personnes qui ont peu de dipmes. mon avenir professionnel ainsi que personnel, ma famille et enfin mes amis. est le stress de tous mes projets universitaires et professionnels. It is shoking that nobody on the American side mentioned anything about the environment and that the great majority of the responses involved the word "I". trouver un travail, c'est ce que je dois faire, ce que je dois retenir, mes obligations futures. (1821) don't worry about it; you're gonna be nickel. to die without fulfilling my dreams, never to be happy, to not have a family, tre pris pour aller Chicago What are some purely personal goals that the French worry about? Short & Simple Example Sentence For "worried" | "worried" Sentence. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. When I think of things that worry me, I could also say that I am fearful of those things too. Je pense que l'avenir est une proccupation importante pour tous pas que pour les Franais. On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. mes conditions de travail, mon futur, le retour de l'obscurantisme religieux. Ce qui me proccupe le plus. 2. Would you agree? c'est les changements venir ds au ptrole. Out of all of the countries, the Soviet Union bore the greatest number of deaths during World War II. sont mes moyens financiers limits cette anne. that I am always looking forward to something and maybe someday I will come to the realization that I did not enjoy my life as I lived it. Being beheaded before I reach middle age. Not doing the right thing now to set me up to do something I like after college. Although the future is a predominant worry in both the French and the American answers, the American answers focus more on work and marriage. worry 1 of 2 verb 1 as in to fret to experience concern or anxiety they worried for days about whether the loan would be approved Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance fret fear stress fuss trouble sweat bother stew care a hang agonize give a hang sweat blood long despair yearn pine chafe Antonyms & Near Antonyms accept tolerate take bear endure abide Proccupe le plus do n't have the same meaning in two languages while the responses... The park les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir shows that studies are always. How different they might be proccupations des tudiants sont trs gocentrs et concernent principalement les tudes et le parcours.... Are all individual worries, with 1 real exception that really reveals what MIT has cerainly made me worry food. 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